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The flashlight and the ambient sounds made the game feel pretty spooky which was nice but I had no clue what to do at the beginning. From the description of the game, I understood that I had to defeat tree monsters, however I had to walk around the edges of the entire map twice before I finally found one. It was also not clear how many tree roots were needed to fix the bridge so I had no clue how long the game would go on for.

I suggest increasing the spawn rate of the enemies and making it more clear how much progress you've made for fixing the tree.


- zou caracters door besjes heen en boom hirargie anders 

- bigin is onduidelijk (megelijk textborje)

goede game met potentie maar hier is nog wat feedback:

  • misschien als je naar boven rent de flashlight naar boven richten.
  • main character is nu nog een beetje overbelicht imo.
  • text voor chainsaw cooldown voelt een beetje apart met de rest van ui, misschien een vergelijkbare button van maken met de flashlight
  • spawn begint nu erg laag van de bo-men, miss handig om er alvast een stuk of 3 door de hele map inspawnen (natuurlijk wel dat het niet in je spawned)

The game has potential, it is a bit unclear where the enemies spawn tho 

Nice game, actually very spooky. I would recommend giving the bo-men a higher spawnrate tho!